Using acupuncture as a form of treatment is still highly controversial in western medicine; however, its popularity is increasing, and it is becoming a recognized form of medicine to many doctors. When used by itself, acupuncture is not a treatment for pregnancy...
Mips Reporting
We know firsthand what you’re struggling with – as a group of physicians and administrators, we founded MDabstract after our own painful transition to an electronic medical record platform.
Palmetto Pediatrics Summerville SC
At Palmetto Pediatrics, pediatricians are committed to the care of pediatric patients from birth through the adolescence in North Charleston & Summerville SC. Contact us (843) 797-5600 for more information.
Doula Services Marin County
Doula Support leads to better outcomes for mothers and babies. As your doula, Rising Tide Birth’s role is to support you physically and emotionally during labor.
Pediatricians San Diego
The "right" Pediatricians in San Diego will have a dedicated team of professionals from the receptionist to the doctor; everyone should be on board to help you navigate your child's health care effectively. CPMG is the only medical network in San Diego County...